backend mobile app development android

An Investigation into Selecting the Best Backend for Android App

Tamila Tari
Tamila Tari
An intuitive content creator in the tech-land of mobile app development

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In the world of smartphones, deciding which backend mobile app development android is appropriate can be difficult.

Because of the large number of users, developing a strategy for building an idea depends entirely on the backend for android app.

We need an android app backend to provide an app without bugs or crashes.  A backend can typically be built in one of two ways.

The first step is creating and hosting the app on a server. Second, use BASS (Backend as a Service) to save time. Let’s look at each of these time-saving options for Android OS.

Table of Contents

An overview of what Android is in mobile app development?

Android OS on smartphones is currently used by over 3.3 billion people worldwide. It is an open-source operating system based on the Linux kernel to which  Google added basic and essential features.

That is why it is referred to as Google Mobile Services. Perhaps you are unaware that Google Mobile Service powers 70% of Android apps in mobile app development. 

backend mobile app development android
backend mobile app development android ensures the app will never crash and remains secure

As a result, both developers and users have access to all of Google’s services on their devices. As we all know, the Android source code is open-source in order to bring some of the highest standards to mobile devices.

When we talk about backend mobile app development android, we mean the unsung hero behind the scene, a powerful metaphor in all parts of an app.

Here are some of the best BAAS in the backend for android:

  1. Amazon web service mobile

A trusted BAAS that some of the most names such as Netflix use this service. The features it gives include:

  • Data
  • Notification
  • Authentication
  • Cloud storage
  • Provides you SDK for iOS, Android, ReactNative, Xamrine, Unity
  • It is also free for the beginners


    2. Firebase

The other powerful one was created by Google. Shazam and Musicmatch are built in this BAAS.

The features It brings a real-time database, crash reporting, hosting, Test Lab for Android, authentication, cloud storage, and free to start.

    3. Parse Platform

The self-hosted and open-source backend server. Its SDK is helpful on Android, iOS, javascript, Net+Xamrine, Unity, and Arduino.

    4. Back4App

The other free backend for android apps comes in handy with some unique features, including:

  • Live real-time Query database
  • Dashboard of analytics
  • Version control
  • Command-line tool
  • Multi-tenancy application (for serving multiple customers)
A photo of a man and woman thinking about coding while programing.
The android developer needs to know all the skills from languages, databases, servers, and APIs.

You can now choose which of them is the correct decision. Your final decision will also involve using appropriate libraries.

The highly intelligent developer is responsible for choosing the right backend for the android app; as critical and essential frontend is, the backend is the fundamental element in mobile app development.

Definitely, any backend for mobile app needs a library, we introduce you some of the top open-source libraries in this list:

  1. Dagger 2

Born in Google, known as a full-stack generated code. A mostly used DI framework for Android.  What is its mission? Generally, it smoothes the way of building the app. It provides dependencies that make you create particular scopes, modules, and components.

  1. Leakcanery

It is created from SQUARE. A memory leak detection library. Its job is to help developers reduce the time of development. Also, it prevents from any freeze, crash errors, or not responding. you can understand more about it via video.

  1. Retrofit

Another library created by SQUARE. It saves the developing time, the codes you add are developer-friendly, and it provides you all the apis the developer needs to make server calls for receiving responses.  The documentation is great and pluggable serialization.

  1. Butter knife

It is a light library to put views on Android components. Actually, it is a view binding tool to generate boilerplate code. It is actually used to avoid repetitive typing lines of codes. On the other way, it is like a cleaner to see your codes clean.

A photo of a developer using a PC for programming
The goal of every backend developer is to keep the app update, fast and secure.

      5. Rxjava

It is the Reactive extension that includes; observe pattern, Iterator pattern, and functional pattern. The library is useable for different languages. Since it is event-based, it controls the timing of operations during the mobile backend app development.

      6. Picasso

The widely used image download library is open-source. Also, it is a powerful source for processing the loading of images from external URLs and cache management.

It makes the process easy for displaying them on your application. The mission of Picasso is that you just need a few codes rather than using a large number of codes through networking API.

     7. Lottie

A mobile library for adobe after effect animation in real time.  It is useable on both Android OS, iOS, Web, and React Native. It renders and uses animation data animations natively on those platforms.  Anything you expect in the case of images will be possible with this library.

     8. Hugo

The fastest static site generator. It is a tool based on raw data and a set of templates. With Hugo, users can specify content in Markdown. In a better way, the generation process is to have HTML files from the Markdown. Moreover, it is a helpful tool for smart logging in case of debug builds.

Now you’ll know what are the BASSs. Next time you’ll find out what the suitable servers are. 

Here are some of the best BAAS in the backend for android:

The fact is that these services are beneficial in the case of small to medium plans. What is the point of it? It saves time and enhances productivity, and you can save more money in your pocket during the development. 

The options that are expected in BAAS in the backend for android app are:

  • No need to have a lot of developers
  • You can handle the functionalities and setups efficiently
  • The developer puts all their time to set a productive user interface

Backend as services is readymade to build security and other features

What are the features available in BAAS for android app backend?

The features which are provided on BAAS are mainly included;

  • Database
  • Notification
  • Apis
  • Authentication and management
  • Location services
  • File management

In the form of API, they are executable. You make the developing process incredibly simple in this approach. Therefore, you do not need to set up servers and hosts for every application.

What is the android app backend server?

Backend server for android app developers may be different in usage. Let’s see which of them as a server is a better choice to have a fully hosted backend service. Here is a list to get to know the top 5of them.

  1. Back4App
  2. Firebase
  3. Parse
  4. Kuzzle
  5. Google app engine



A user-friend platform for android applications. It is open-source, which gives the developers have fully hosted features.  Some of the main features are:

  • Flexibility in the backend
  • Scalable



The powerful backend platform is specifically made for complex and extensive applications. The main point about firebase in mobile backend development is security. It syncs data automatically, and it has an authentication service and analytics.


The other famous one that every developer can offer it. It provides you the options you want such as: Data modeling, real-time and pushes notification, and the ability of social login.


The other productive toolkit, to have all the necessary factors. The positive point about Kauzzl is it has double usage for both Hybrid and native on android applications. Other main points are: (security ACL, search API, and geofencing to create graphical visual boundaries)

Google App Engine:

A cloud computing platform for all expected sizes of applications. The main point about is the support of google high security which is always available. Other features are:  

  • It is fully managed
  • Free to choose the service you want
  • Various services
  • No hardship to use

If you are a developer, consider deeply which of them is the answer for you app. And select the proper one for mobile backend development. The high in-demand android market is unbelievably challenged by the android app backend because users are looking for the highly efficient performance from their apps.

" I believe the mobile OS market will play out very similarly to Windows and Macintosh, with Android in the role of Windows. And so, if you want to be in front of the largest number of users, you need to be on Android. "

You probably know there are several backend languages in Android development. Each language has its benefits and drawbacks, but you must choose which is best for your target goal.

From the oldest one, Java, to Kotlin, C++, or even Python. You can read more about Android backend languages in another article.

Questions may come to your mind... mentions; Backend development for mobile applications empowers the main working of the application. It incorporates things like servers, databases, middleware, and so on and can be accessed through the internet via an application programming interface (API).

If you need to be able to grow, Python is a better choice. When making Android apps, C++ is often the language of choice for the backend. Because it is a strong language that can handle difficult jobs.

The part of a mobile app that runs on a computer instead of on the device itself is called the backend. The backend gives the app the functions it needs to store and handle data, verify users’ identities, process and analyse data, and talk to other systems or services.

A strong backend is needed for apps that store user data, offer login/registration, identification, and push alerts. With MBaaS, you can use your already-made parts and a backend to give all of these benefits.

At first, Java was the main language for Android App Development. Now, Kotlin has taken its place, but Java is still the most popular language. A lot of the apps in the Play Store were made with Java, and Google also supports it the most.

Time to make a contract for your new android app

The value of your application is measured by backend mobile app development Android

So far, in this article, you have found out how important it is to choose the best backend for an Android app.

The significant role of these open-source features in the Android app backend will help developers grant users’ expectations.

To succeed in today’s industry, you need a software development company that can supply you with cutting-edge tools.

Give us a call to discuss the options and make a final choice.

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