A photo of a street name called Beacon

How Much Do You Know About Beacon Technology In Mobile Apps?

Tamila Tari
Tamila Tari
An intuitive content creator in the tech-land of mobile app development

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In today’s tech world, the term Beacon technology in mobile apps is becoming increasingly common. This technology is particularly for companies that want to give their customers a customized and location-based experience.

We will discuss Beacon technology retail in this blog, including what it is, how it functions, its advantages, examples, and its impact on mobile app development.

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What is Beacon technology retail?

Beacon technology is a cutting-edge wireless communication technology that enables mobile apps to deliver personalized and location-based experiences to users.

With the help of beacon technology, mobile app development can provide users with highly targeted and specifically relevant content, making their experience more engaging and enjoyable.

a photo of 3 people shopping in a shopping mall
Beacon technology in mobile apps can increase the number of physical users more and more

By leveraging the power of Beacon technology, businesses can enhance their customer engagement and drive greater foot traffic to their physical locations. Beacons leverage the power of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology to send signals to mobile devices in close proximity, prompting app actions. 

The incorporation of this technology has brought about a significant transformation in the manner in which businesses engage with their clients. It enables them to provide personalized promotions and suggestions and gather valuable insights on consumer actions.


How does Beacon technology in mobile apps work?

Beacons deliver signals to adjacent mobile devices using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology. Low-energy devices like beacons can communicate wirelessly using the BLE protocol, which uses very little power. 

Batteries are usually used to power beacons, and they can operate for months or even years before needing to be changed.

A mobile device can use the beacon’s signal to launch specific app operations when it is in close proximity to one and recognizes its signal.

a photo of smart phone icons for shopping and Bluetooth icon in beacon technology in mobile apps
Revolutionize Your Mobile Apps with Beacon Technology: Unleashing the Power of Proximity

For instance, a retail store app may make use of beacon technology to notify customers via their phones when they enter the store. The notification could come with a welcoming greeting or a special offer.

The software may also follow a customer’s path through the store using the beacon signal, enabling it to target them with extra offers based on where they are.

This is closely related to e-commerce in mobile apps and its strategies. You can read more about it in another article.

What are the advantages of Beacon technology?

For mobile apps, beacon technology has various advantages, including:

Experiences that are tailored to the user’s location are made possible through beacon technology. Businesses who want to provide their clients with tailored promotions or recommendations may find this useful.

Apps incorporating beacon technology can boost user engagement and loyalty by offering tailored experiences. Customers are more inclined to utilize an app if it provides localized relevant content and promotions.

In this way, beacon technology in mobile is a headway to empower traditional business methods to the next level.

Better data gathering: Beacons can be used to gather information on user activity, such as how long people stay in a specific area or what products they browse.

This information can be used to enhance the functionality of the app and offer perceptions of user behavior. Cost-effective: Beacons are a cost-effective solution for organizations of all sizes since they are easy to deploy and maintain.

What are Beacon technology examples?

This technology is available in some of the most demanding categories, including:

  1. Send location-based app offers to the parking lot

The app knows the customer is in close proximity, it is possible to send location-based app offers to the parking lot, making marketing highly relevant and convenient.

When a potential customer who has the store’s app pulls into the parking lot, the app can send them a notification offering a one-time-only discount and a personalized greeting.

The store has just accomplished three things:

1) making the customer feel welcome

2) making the special offer seem urgent

3) making the special offer seem like it would expire soon.

Beacon technology has just reached all three of these milestones without any human participation or additional expense, which are the ABCs of buy conversions. Conversion rates to purchases also increased dramatically.

A photo of a parkong lot and a bluetooth icon related it's usage to Beacon technology in mobile apps
Beacon technology in parking lot can inform the nearest parking to the driver

Across the country, customers of certain Target stores are receiving push notifications via beacon technology and the Target app.

Customers will only receive up to two travel-related alerts per trip to reduce the likelihood of app uninstalls. In the form of push alerts, buyers will be alerted to limited-time deals and popular products on social media.

     2. In-store shopping behavior

It’s long been known that the placement of products in a business matter, such as placing candy right next to the registers, giving kids plenty of opportunity to plead for a candy purchase.

The findings have been amplified using app beacon technology. Retailers may now watch user behavior and create a detailed map of each customer’s route through the store, including where they stop, what they buy, and what time of day they spend.

The data can be utilized to move inventories and improve the selling experience. Popular products are shown on popular pathways.

When a store map is included in the app, the chances of a client locating more things to purchase increase. Hardware shop to improve consumer experience, Lowe’s integrated a mobile shopper platform within the Lowe’s mobile app.

The customer can search for a product and check inventory availability as well as the item’s position on the store map right away.

The inclusion of Beacons in apps has the extra benefit of increasing the number of app users, the likelihood of online transactions, and overall brand engagement.

    3. Increased Focus on Individual Customers

Companies in the e-commerce sector are already providing highly customized purchasing encounters. They are able to accomplish this because to sophisticated monitoring systems in place all over the web.

Target can tell what you enjoy even if you don’t regularly shop there. They can pay for access to your Facebook and other account details. This is often more challenging to execute for traditional stores. While the store does employ listeners and navigators, they know only what the customer tells them.

A photo of Beacon technolgy in mobile apps gadgets
Beacon technology offers a good opportunity to increase client engagement and customer loyalty.

With app Beacon technology, traditional stores have instant access to the same robust tracking and analytics data used in online retail. Beacons and apps working together let stores provide customers with discounts, deals, and suggestions based on their past purchases.

By using in-store location monitoring, the app may tailor its suggestions and specials to the shopper’s precise position. Think of a customer looking around the apparel department.

They receive a signal when they enter the jeans section, offering a discount of 25% off their next pair of trousers. It’s also possible that they suggested a brand that’s on sale today based on your past purchases.


service of beacons The Android Service is invoked by the application project in order to display a notice on an Android device. When the beacon is recognised, a prompt appears.

The beacons.ai suite includes three distinct but complementary tools for content creators: a Link-in-Bio generator, a Media Kit developer, and an Invoicing app. Pluses and minuses. Your complete online presence may be accessed with a single link in your bio. Get people’s phone numbers and email addresses. Internet storefront.

With the use of BLE beacons, apps can accurately detect users even in areas with poor network connectivity, such as subterranean stations. Another benefit of beacons over other mobile ticketing solutions is that they enable contactless detection, so the user never even needs to take out their phone.

Final Thoughts

Undoubtedly, Beacon technology in mobile apps has changed how mobile apps connect with the real world, opening up countless possibilities for businesses and app creators to have meaningful, location-based conversations with their customers.

Beacon technology retail improves user experiences and creates business outcomes through the use of Bluetooth Low Energy to facilitate location-based notifications, proximity-based offers, indoor navigation, and other novel use cases.

We can anticipate many more innovative and consequential uses of beacons in mobile app technology as the technology continues to develop and gain traction. If you have any questions about this technology, get a quote from us.

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