mobile app backend language

The Mysteries Behind the Backend Languages for App Development

Tamila Tari
Tamila Tari
An intuitive content creator in the tech-land of mobile app development

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Choosing the correct mobile app backend language is undeniably one of the development challenges. It is critical to determine which of them is beneficial.

Because knowing the suitable backend languages for app development is essential to the success of Android and iOS platforms.

Although the user cannot see these processes, they do mention how fast the app is in terms of performance, security, and other features.

As a result, the significance of an app backend development language should be considered.

Throughout the blog, you will learn about each language’s details, pros, and cons to get a better picture and decide how they can help you in this industry.

Table of Contents

What are the backend languages for app development?

We all know the market is primarily divided into iOS and Android operating systems. You know, mobile app backend language is like putting Morse Codes in an intelligent form.

After figuring out the best business plan, you must decide which language will be used to develop the app.

Let’s closely examine each of them: First and foremost, on the Android operating system. Here’s a rundown of each of them.

mobile app backend language
The critial thing in app backend development language is semantics. However, syntax turns the language successful
  1. Javascript

Javascript is a language that is used in both backend in app development and frontend mobile app development languages. This is the positive point of the language to write the same syntax to reduce the development time.

This also gives developers more flexibility when picking out middleware. Since it works on both sides. Other features include:

  • It is open-source, and a large number of developers
  • Less scripting owing to the DOM, hoops features
  • Complexity in event-driven functions, which is related to the user interface
  • Developers have the hardship of knowing which middleware needs to be used
  • Most programmers feel uneasy with the backend frameworks that JavaScript offers
  1. Python

An object programming language that offers a clear process in mobile app backend language. Its popularity has propelled it to third place among developers.

Furthermore, it is an excellent choice for backend APIs. As a result, it is the fastest backend language. Some critical elements are:

  • The development environment is simple and easy to learn because it’s close to English writing
  • A bunch of libraries will help developers to have less code writing
  • With IoT (Internet of Things), you can create Raspberry Pi objects
  • It is embedded into the source code owing to the WORA (write once run anywhere)
  • The libraries are free, and it makes the developing process inexpensive
  • Applications underdeveloped by Python need testing and debugging more than the others
  • It is highly determined by 3rd party frameworks and libraries
  • The database access is not formed well.

     3. Ruby on Rails

A made-in-Japan programming language has a similar syntax to Java and Python. It is productive cause it supports 3rd party libraries. Learning its language is a piece of the pie and doesn’t need documentation.

It can be called meta-programming cause the entire process is done on the run time. Conversely, the automation option is also helpful for having a functional backend language in web development. 

mobile app backend language
Critical thinking and self-productivity are the inner factors for developers of mobile app backend language

Although it is effective in many cases, it lacks in some parts, such as:

  • It is slower than the other languages
  • Not very resourceful in libraries
  • It is a bit difficult to learn the language since it’s new
  • It seems that debugging process is not easy in programs coding

   4. PHP

The old servant but still strong in server-side development language. The ease of use, open-source, and multiple usages on different operating systems.

The built-in security offers you outstanding features. The community is excellent and supportive, but you’ll see some buggy codes that are not well-optimized. 

    5. Java

 There are several reasons why Java is a preferred language for building mobile app development. The easy language can shorten the development time and is handy for different operating systems.

Some developers believe Java can be the first choice for developing an Android app. Cause it has:

  • Security features
  • Robust system that is not likely to have problems
  • Affordable and grant your expectations for a high-performance app
  • It is similar to native machine languages such as C++ in case of running faster
  • You can see better results in high-tech and costly apps
  • It provides you with some of the best features for stylish interface objects and tools


  6. C#

A backend language to build your native app with a single codebase on Android and iOS.

The codes are performed in a fat way. It is also a good option for game development and CLI (Command Line applications). Programs that affect on terminal and shell. Other options are:

A screen that shows backend codes
Can you imagine not only in backend languages for app development but in all the related subjects, there are over 700 code languages
  • It is a suitable language for supporting older versions of programming frameworks
  • It has garbage data to make a clean process of execution
  • Since it is object-oriented, you can create codes, debug and reuse them
  • The problem is that it only runs on the .Net framework
  • The language is unable to interact with the hardware


    7. Perl

The name is unfamiliar, but you can build an app backend development language on it. It is one of the old soldiers of development.  It is open-source, supports C and C++ libraries, and text processing functions are helpful. Otherwise, you can’t expect good scalability. Also:

  • It is an expensive language since it’s old and the number of developers is not many
  • It is hard to have the process of bugs fixing
  • The speed of development is not that fast
  • You have to pay for the libraries


     8. C++

The improved version of the C language. The critical thing about C++ is that it has the latest system while maintaining the essential features. Moreover, it is portable in all operating systems. It is a low-level language that doesn’t need a lot of translation. You can manage how the codes access the memory, so management in memory is excellent. Despite all the benefits, the security is not ideal, and you can’t see any garbage data. 

     9. Kotlin

Kotlin was born in 2011 in Google.  It is a backend development language that fixes its place as a competitor over Java. It supports cross-platform development. The features are:

  • Time saves because it needs less code writing
  • You can use the codes in different languages to add more functionality
  • It is smooth, easy to read, and edit
  • You can handle and update fast and easily
  • Although it is faster than Java, you will have clean builds on Java for the android app
  • The number of developers is not as many as Java developers

Conversely, you need more valid resources to learn and become an expert.

    10. Scala

A language that is usable in complex apps. A high-level and object programing language. It provides you with a massive availability of libraries. The ability of JVM will give you a run-time environment. With this option, the developer has no problem with static types in mobile back-end development. Some of its positive parts are:

  • Different codes have the same result; that’s why it is Java compatibility
  • You can use short and practical coding that makes the development easy to maintain.
  • The real problem with this language is the difficulty of coding compared to the efficiency of Java.

All of these mentioned languages have one goal; app backend development language is like modulation in music. They re-style this industry into another expression.

How to know which mobile app backend language is suitable?

Well, the answer is choosing a proper backend technology is related on:


  • Speed
  • Reliability
  • Scalability


Remember, before choosing the productivity of the backend language programming, cultivate the requirement and don’t specifically rely on the trends. Do you know popular brands that use these mentioned languages?

  1. Uber, LinkedIn, and eBay are written in Java
  2. Facebook, Viber, and Wikipedia in PHP
  3. Google, Amazon, and Foursquare in Kotlin
  4. Instagram, Spotify, and Quora in Python
  5. Telegram Messenger and MasterCard with C#
  6. Mozilla Firefox, YouTube, and Illustrator with C++
  7. Twitter and Apache Spark in Scala
  8. Asana, Airbnb, and Square in JavaScript

what you need to consider is the fact that the backend language for app development is a core part of the backend. It is like a brail code to guide the development process efficiently.

" Don't comment bad code - rewrite it "

Questions may come to your mind

Java is mostly a server-side computer language that is used to make strong backend services. However, you can also use Java to make Android apps. There are a lot of reasons why people who want to start making apps should learn Java.

Java. At first, Java was the main language for Android App Development. Now, Kotlin has taken its place, but Java is still the most popular language. A lot of the apps in the Play Store were made with Java, and Google also supports it the most.

backend refers to how the appearance layer and the data access layer are kept separate. Due to all the great things a backend can do, almost every mobile app has its own backend these days.

Java is, in fact, the most popular computer language for making Android apps. It is also used for a wide range of other computing tasks. The virtual machine that runs on Android devices runs Java code. So, I would suggest that you use Java for developing Android apps.

Yes, Python is better than other languages for making apps. There are many top computer languages that can be used to make apps. But there are no hard and fast rules for figuring out which language is better for making apps.

Let’s build the backend…

Using a proper mobile app backend language is critical in a world where each app has its philosophy.

Each app is prioritized based on its usage. You require a productive and dependable app that can meet the needs of all users.

In this way, you can claim that your backend languages for app development are helpful.

Another thing to consider is using trusted, well-known mobile software to determine which app backend development language is best for your app.

Tell us about your backend programming experiences. Don’t hesitate to contact us for the best alternative and a high-quality development process.

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