health platforms

Healthcare And Medical Platforms Will Be The Future Of Our Well-Being

Table of Contents

Following the devastating effects of the Covid-19 outbreak, digital health platforms emerged as viable alternatives for overcoming the massive health catastrophe. The epidemic had a significant impact not just on physical well-being, but also on society’s collective mental health.

 As a result, everyone, both people and health institutions such as hospitals and clinics, felt the need to establish healthcare platforms and monitor one’s health state.

The usage of medical platforms got quite common among all individuals after that. These platforms are no longer restricted to one’s digital gadgets and have grown in number; please remain with us to learn more about these applications.

Table of Contents

What Are Health Platforms?

The health crisis led us to digitize our medical records in order to be ready for future events. Although certain health monitoring applications and gadgets were available in the past, we now live in a time when keeping track of your health is vital.

Because digital health platforms have defined and organized categorizations, we tend to establish a broad classification of popular health platform apps.

healthcare platforms
This picture shows the main categories of healthcare platforms

We may divide health applications into many broad categories:

  • Personal health management apps: These programs, which are often placed on a digital device such as a cell phone or smartwatch, track biometrics and health-related data.
  • Administrative platforms for hospitals and clinics: These programs are virtually suited to the client’s version and arrange the patient’s data so that the doctor can follow the person’s health state.
  • Virtual pharmacies: Applications that accept prescriptions, evaluate them, and distribute medication.
  • Online appointment booking apps: These are the apps that allow you to arrange an appointment online and have a voice conference with your doctor (or see him/her in the office). These applications may be classified into two types: medical apps and mental health apps.

In the next section, we will go at each category and provide explanations for each medical web app platform.

Personal Medical Platforms

Nowadays, everyone possesses a smart device such as a cell phone, tablet, or wristwatch, making it much easier to monitor one’s health and collect medical data.

Assume you are faced with an emergency at work, and one of your coworkers suffers from anaphylactic shock caused by peanut butter; if his/her wristwatch reports the occurrence with an alarm, you will be able to handle the problem.

This is just one example of how the health app on your smartphone might assist you with your health. Apple and Samsung, two excellent mobile app businesses, have created user-friendly health applications that track and monitor basic health-related elements.

Both health apps can track your sleep hours; if you are sleep-deprived, they will inform you to reschedule your sleep hours; and they also include some health-related data that will warn you about poor behaviors.

They may monitor your daily activity, calories burned, and nutrition to help you live a better and more beneficial lifestyle.

You may manually enter information such as your height, weight, blood pressure, and so on. You may schedule a daily reminder to take your medications or drink water. It is like having a doctor in your pocket and on your wrist.

IoTs Will Help Doctors and Patients

You may be wondering what the Internet of Things (IoT) is; it is a physical thing with filters or technologies that can be linked to your device over the Internet. Medical devices include digital devices such as insulin pumps and cardiac pacemakers. IoTs are quite popular.

health platforms
The girl is holding an insulin pump that injects the daily dosages of her medication

Using these applications can assist the patient in tracking his or her health state; also, these devices can tell doctors and communicate some vital information. These facts will come in handy if an unpleasant situation occurs and you need to attend the hospital.

Healthcare Platforms for Organizations

When a hospital or clinic has a medical platform with extensive documentation of patients and their medical histories, for example, if you have an emergency while on vacation and don’t have access to your medical records, a unified healthcare platform can greatly assist doctors in diagnosing patients faster and more accurately.

In England, for example, the National Health Service (NHS) keeps track of people’s medical conditions, and doctors and authorities have access to this information.

Such applications can be used by schools to track kids’ medical data, report misbehaving, or report tragic situations in school (for example, a broken nose in a school fight). Furthermore, schools are the finest institution for providing health education programs and teaching pupils the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle.

 The insurance company is another institution that is concerned about our medical records. To prevent insurance fraud and to create a more effective insurance plan, all insurance firms desire to digitize their data. Nonetheless, this feature of medical platforms is more advantageous to insurance companies because ordinary people prefer to cut down on whopping prices of medical services.

The Cyberia’s Case Study

We developed an application at Cyberia that measures children’s cognitive ability using games and AI-related features. The app is divided into three sections: the first is filled out by parents, the second by schoolmasters, and the third by data obtained from the child’s games, drawings, and replies.

medical platforms
The application diagnoses the child’s issue through the games

Throughout the procedure, the youngster will be accompanied by the school’s psychologist, who will assess every aspect. All of the information gathered will be utilized to diagnose cognitive difficulties such as stress, ADHD, depression, and autism; also, the app provides techniques to manage the conditions.

Virtual Health Platforms of Pharmacies

Following the rise of meal delivery apps, individuals in bed require an app to deliver their meds. The NHS app also saves your past medicines and medical details and sends you your new prescriptions.

Online Counselling and Appointment Booking Health Platforms

These online health platforms are extremely beneficial to both consumers and professionals. These applications may serve as a calendar for your appointments, save you time, and be ready anytime you require emergency medical treatment.

Medical Platform for Physical Care and Support

On this platform, you can contact your GP, contact through voice or video calls, book and cancel your appointments, and receive some other useful services. Even if you don’t have a GP, you can choose one from the lists and share your information with the person.

A Platform for Mental Health

Unfortunately, persons with mental illnesses are either embarrassed to meet with therapists or their fear prevents them from appearing in public. Because of this unfortunate coincidence of mental breakdowns, web applications become a secure tool for depressed individuals to contact therapists and conquer their troubles.

There are certain mental health platforms in England that might be quite beneficial to persons suffering from anxiety. Some of these apps, such as StayAlive, Headspace, and Bright Sky, are even supported by the NHS.

Mental Health Platforms



App to prevent suicidal attempts by providing some reassuring tools and articles, for instance, LifeBox, which is a gallery of your inspiring photos.


A meditation mobile app that provides relaxing music and reassuring sentences to reduce stress and help better sleep.

Bright Sky

An application that helps you to figure out signs of abusive relationships.

WorkLife Central

A digital hub to help and inspire people about their work lives and family lives.

Zero Suicide Alliance

An application for people who are suffering from suicidal thoughts.

These mental healthcare apps may assist people with challenges in a variety of ways, including motivating video clips, essays, therapy sessions, and so on.

Because health apps provide numerous benefits and make many people’s life easier, we will ignore their pros and disadvantages in the following paragraphs.

Online Counselling and Appointment Booking Health Platforms

Although online medical support is beneficial to persons suffering from a variety of medical illnesses, it cannot replace personal checkups and treatment sessions. Because there is a danger of incorrect diagnosis in online sessions, the ideal answer is to mix online and real meetings.

Medical platforms have a long way to go, but they are producing acceptable outcomes. These positive outcomes even influenced others to adopt online health services. We hope that in the near future, health platforms will be able to cure toothaches and exempts us from going to the dentist!

The Benefits of Care Platforms

Many challenges for super-busy people in the present day have been overcome by online and smart health applications.

Here is a list of its advantages:

  • Improves Disease Diagnosis: You may track and record your symptoms, as well as consult with a huge network of physicians and specialists.
  • Saves Time: Instead of visiting many doctors and being delayed in traffic, you can quickly consult with your doctor.
  • Avoiding Paperwork: You can skip the complex paperwork that is common in hospitals.
  • Simple to Use: Because you always have your cell phone with you, you can record any information fast and simply.
  • structured Documentation: Your highly structured and complete medical records are accessible to you, your doctor, and the health care centers.
  • Protects your privacy: If you have significant mental health issues or STDs (Sexual Transmitted Diseases), you can opt not to expose your identity.


We’ve just covered the key advantages of using healthcare platforms; ultimately, the decision to schedule a human or online doctor visit is yours.

frequently asked questiond

To what end do digital health platforms serve? DHP technologies, one example of a healthcare industry-specific cloud platform technology, provide for a novel architectural strategy to swiftly deploy digital capabilities utilising state-of-the-art cloud services.

Integration of apps and technology to deliver a holistic, patient-specific healthcare solution is what makes up a Healthcare Platform. The healthcare system throughout the world is becoming more advanced.

Final Words

We examined health platforms and their variants in this post, and we attempted to offer a thorough overview of all sorts of health-related apps. Many physicians, organizations, and patients benefited from these healthcare platforms in terms of time savings and improved performance.

Furthermore, we addressed some of the latest medical platforms that assist patients with mental illnesses. Many people worldwide who suffer from physical and mental disorders have benefited from medical web app development.

If you have a legitimate app development concept that may also benefit society, please contact our team to transform your idea into an application.

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