brain implement

A Fiction Might Turn Out To Be Real In 2023 With Elon Musk’s Brain Implement

Tamila Tari
Tamila Tari
An intuitive content creator in the tech-land of mobile app development

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Neuralink approved Elon musk’s brain implement for human testing. People are worried about the billionaire’s track record and whether Neuralink can responsibly manage the development of this invasive device.

Elon Musk’s company which develops brain implants has received approval for testing on humans. How concerned should we be? The creation of a device that invades privacy.

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What’s the latest news of Elon Musk's brain implement?

In recent days, Neuralink, a brain-implant company founded by Elon Musk, received regulatory approval to begin the first clinical trial of its experimental device in humans.

However, people have become concerned about the billionaire executive’s exaggerated promotion of the technology, his past leadership at other companies, and the animal welfare issues associated with Neuralink experiments.

brain implement
Brain implants could potentially transform the field of medicine by providing innovative treatment choices for different neurological conditions.

Laura Cabrera, a neuroethicist at Penn State’s Rock Ethics Institute, expressed her surprise regarding the US Food and Drug Administration’s decision to allow the company to proceed with clinical trials.

Cabrera argues that Musk’s unpredictable leadership at Twitter and his fast-paced approach to technology raise concerns about Neuralink’s ability to responsibly oversee the development of a medical device that can read brain signals.

She asked if he would view a brain implant device as something that needs both additional regulation and ethical consideration. Will he view this as just another gadget, or will he take it seriously?

There are many other companies working on brain interface devices, and Neuralink is one of them. For many years, research teams from all over the world have been studying the potential use of implants and devices to help treat conditions like paralysis and depression.

Currently, there are already thousands of people benefiting from neuroprosthetics such as cochlear implants, which help improve hearing abilities. However, experts have expressed skepticism about the wide range of capabilities that Musk is promising with the Neuralink device.

What is Neuralink's device?

Neuralink started in 2016 and created a brain-computer interface (BCI) called the Link. It’s a computer chip with electrodes that can be sewn onto the brain’s surface. This chip connects the brain to external electronics. Neuralink also made a robotic device to implant the chip.

According to John Donoghue, a neuroscientist at Brown University who led the team that created the brain-computer interface called ‘BrainGate’ to help paralyzed individuals regain movement, the design seems to utilize a unique type of electrode.

brain implement
Brain implants offer a highly accurate and focused form of therapy by directly connecting with the brain

According to Musk, Neuralink’s device has the potential to be used for various therapeutic purposes, such as treating conditions like blindness, paralysis, and depression.

However, he has also mentioned that the ultimate goal is to develop a device for the general public. This device would allow users to directly connect their minds to supercomputers, enabling humans to keep pace with artificial intelligence.

He has also mentioned that the device might be able to eventually capture and save thoughts, like a “backup drive” for your non-physical self, your digital soul.

The FDA approval is a positive step toward conducting a human clinical trial. However, there are still uncertainties regarding the specific details of the study, such as its scope, focus, and design.

What FDA Believe in the Brain implement?

The FDA applications and approval processes are not accessible to the general public. Neuralink, being a private company, is not obligated to inform investors about its regulatory interactions.

According to Neuralink’s website, they are looking for individuals who have conditions such as paralysis, blindness, deafness, or difficulty speaking. However, the company did not provide any additional information in response to the Guardian’s inquiry.

According to a spokesperson from the FDA, Neuralink has been approved for an investigational device exemption (IDE). This means that Neuralink can now be used for clinical studies.

It is also unclear when this trial would occur. The company should create a review board to review and oversee the research.

brain implement
Brain implants have the potential to enhance human cognitive abilities by connecting our minds to supercomputers

According to a report from Reuters, the FDA initially rejected Neuralink’s request for clinical trials in 2022 due to several issues that the company needed to address. However, the FDA has now approved Neuralink’s request after these concerns were resolved.

Based on the news agency, there are some safety concerns regarding the implant’s lithium battery and the possibility of overheating. There are also questions about whether the small wires of the device could move to other parts of the brain.

Additionally, it is important to note that the device cannot be removed without causing damage to the brain tissue.


It is not clear how these concerns were resolved. The FDA did not provide specific comments on Neuralink’s application process, but a spokesperson mentioned that the agency follows a thorough and scientific process to assess the safety and effectiveness of medical devices.

She also mentioned that the FDA is dedicated to ensuring that animals involved in testing are treated responsibly and humanely.

Neuralink has chosen not to provide any information regarding its plans for clinical trials at this time.

What are the critical concerns about Elon Musk's brain implement?

Musk’s track record of mishandling user data at Twitter raises concerns about his company’s ability to handle highly sensitive data retrieved from potential clinical trial participants, according to both Johnson and Cabrera.

“There are some ethical concerns about privacy whenever you use a brain device,” Johnson added. “Things to consider include: will Neuralink have access to the brain data of the people in whom these devices are implanted?” What plan do they have for it? And how will they secure user privacy?”

Neuralink did not answer to queries about how it intends to manage trial participants’ data.

Musk’s marketing distinguishes Neuralink from other BCI firms and teams at public institutions that have concentrated on deploying the devices to treat specific medical diseases such as seizures, Parkinson’s tremors, or paralysis.

brain implement
Brain implant technology has a lot of potential, but it's important to consider ethical issues, privacy concerns, and the need for safety and regulations

The market for “neuromodulation devices,” which record or stimulate brain activity, has exceeded $6 billion.

Another BCI maker, Synchron, gained an FDA license in July 2021 to test brain implant technologies, while Blackrock Neurotech, which installs brain implants that allow patients with paralysis to manage digital gadgets and prosthetics, has been conducting human studies for more than a decade.

frequently asked questions

Brain implants, sometimes called neural implants, are technological devices that attach to or are surgically implanted into the brain of a living organism.

Rapid progress is being made in the area of brain-computer interfacing. Neuralink, Elon Musk’s brain implant startup, obtained clearance from the FDA last month to begin human testing. Paradromics, its main competitor, is even further along in development.

Final thoughts

Neuralink would have to first demonstrate the safety of Elon Musk’s brain implement before determining its efficacy in treating certain illnesses.

“The technology to implant something in the brain is very mature, but where to put it in the brain and how to stimulate it is still being worked out, especially for complicated diseases,” he explained.

Musk’s promotion of the Neuralink device echoes his intentions for Twitter, which he purchased for $44 billion in 2022, and has pledged to transition to an “everything app” that can answer all users’ requirements at the same time.

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